Mostly Asked Questions

Will updates also be free?

Yes, Halcyon IDE started as open source project and will continue to be so. Every update will remain free for the community.

Is there any documentation

The team keep updating the project documentation to the best abilities. The tutorial section will also keep updating with the nmap scripting examples and walkthrough as well. If you are interested to contribute to the documentation or tutorial sections, feel free to contact me or create a pull request.

Can I use Halcyon IDE to run nmap?

Running nmap from Halcyon IDE as port scanner is not the ideal use case of the project because Halcyon IDE is not ideally meant to use as scanner, but rather the development IDE for Nmap scripts. Halcyon IDE interface will not have options to tweak a lot of scan options as compared to running nmap directly. If you are looking into a GUI for running nmap, Zenmap is undoubtedly the better choice.

How can I contribute to the project?

We are happy for more contributors to the project to keep improving the developer experience. You can contribute to the code, feature suggestions, documentation, tutorial section and more. Visit the contribute section to get in touch with the team.

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